STCE55 Daylight is a system that operates based on the principle of biaxial operation. The gearbox is based on the principle of biaxial tracking on the working axis and operates on the x and y axis. Based on this model, it is driven by double body reducer and double motor. It is especially preferred in satellite type or focusing systems. As a result of double axis tracking, it creates a total energy flow of up to 30%.
Solar Tracker STCE55 model is a model that is accepted worldwide and is referred to as 55 inch solar tracker in single axis tracking systems. Due to its programming capability, it is a system that can be driven by Dc Motor. Thanks to the holder arms in the gearbox, fast connection to 120x120 profiles, which are frequently used in existing projects, is provided. Thanks to the hard stop feature in the gearbox, it has an automatic stop feature so that the panels do not exceed a certain angle in wind or any challenging weather conditions.